lang = "en"; Strings = {}; if (Turbine.Shell.IsCommand("spielen")) then lang = "de"; end if (Turbine.Shell.IsCommand("lire")) then lang = "fr"; end if (lang == "en") then Strings["cmd_music"] = "/music"; Strings["cmd_play"] = "/play"; Strings["cmd_ready"] = "/readycheck"; Strings["cmd_start"] = "/playstart"; Strings["cmd_sync"] = "sync"; Strings["cmd_demo1_title"] = "Now playing"; Strings["cmd_demo1_cmd"] = "/e is now playing %name"; Strings["cmd_demo2_title"] = "Sync command to /f"; Strings["cmd_demo2_cmd"] = "/f /play %file sync %part"; Strings["cmd_demo3_title"] = "Paste filename"; Strings["cmd_demo3_cmd"] = "/f %file"; Strings["ui_dirs"] = "Directories"; Strings["ui_songs"] = "Songs"; Strings["ui_parts"] = "Parts"; Strings["ui_cmds"] = "Commands"; Strings["ui_settings"] = "Settings"; Strings["ui_search"] = "Search"; Strings["ui_clear"] = "Clear"; Strings["ui_general"] = "General settings"; Strings["ui_custom"] = "Custom commands"; Strings["ui_save"] = "Save"; Strings["ui_ok"] = "Ok"; Strings["ui_cancel"] = "Cancel"; Strings["ui_icon"] = "Songbook button settings"; Strings["ui_instr"] = "Instrument slots settings"; Strings["cb_parts"] = "Song part list visible"; Strings["cb_search"] = "Search enabled"; Strings["cb_desc"] = "Show description in song list"; Strings["cb_descfirst"] = "Show description first"; Strings["cb_windowvis"] = "Window visible on load"; Strings["cb_iconvis"] = "Songbook button visible"; Strings["cb_instrvis"] = "Instrument slots visible"; Strings["ui_btn_opacity"] = "Songbook button opacity"; Strings["ui_clr_slots"] = "Clear slots"; Strings["ui_add_slot"] = "Add"; Strings["ui_del_slot"] = "Remove"; Strings["ui_cus_add"] = "Add"; Strings["ui_cus_edit"] = "Edit"; Strings["ui_cus_del"] = "Remove"; Strings["ui_cus_winadd"] = "Add Command"; Strings["ui_cus_winedit"] = "Edit Command"; Strings["ui_cus_title"] = "Title:"; Strings["ui_cus_command"] = "Command:"; Strings["ui_cus_help"] = "Command aliases:\n\n%name - song/part name\n%file - filename\n%part - part number"; Strings["ui_cus_err"] = "Please enter Title and Command"; Strings["tt_music"] = "Toggle music mode"; Strings["tt_play"] = "Play song"; Strings["tt_ready"] = "Make a ready check"; Strings["tt_sync"] = "Play with sync"; Strings["tt_start"] = "Start sync play"; Strings["tt_parts"] = "Parts display on/off"; Strings["sh_saved"] = "Songbook settings saved."; Strings["sh_notsaved"] = "Songbook failed to save settings"; Strings["sh_show"] = "show"; Strings["sh_hide"] = "hide"; Strings["sh_toggle"] = "toggle"; Strings["sh_help1"] = "songbook show: Display Songbook Window"; Strings["sh_help2"] = "songbook hide: Hide Songbook Window"; Strings["sh_help3"] = "songbook toggle: Toggle Songbook Window"; Strings["err_nosongs"] = "The song library is empty. Make sure you have abc files in your Music directory and run the songbook.hta file to build the library. Then, reload the plugin.\n\nIf you upgraded from a previous version, run first the new songbook.hta before loading the plugin."; elseif (lang == "de") then Strings["cmd_music"] = "/musik"; Strings["cmd_play"] = "/spielen"; Strings["cmd_ready"] = "/bereitschaftspr\195\188fung"; Strings["cmd_start"] = "/spielstart"; Strings["cmd_sync"] = "sync"; Strings["cmd_e"] = "/e"; Strings["cmd_f"] = "/g"; Strings["cmd_demo1_title"] = "Emote mit dem Liedtitel"; Strings["cmd_demo1_cmd"] = "/e spielt %name"; Strings["cmd_demo2_title"] = "Sync-Befehl an Gruppe senden"; Strings["cmd_demo2_cmd"] = "/g /spielen %file sync %part"; Strings["cmd_demo3_title"] = "Dateiname an Gruppe senden"; Strings["cmd_demo3_cmd"] = "/g %file"; Strings["ui_dirs"] = "Verzeichnisse"; Strings["ui_songs"] = "Lieder"; Strings["ui_parts"] = "Teile"; Strings["ui_cmds"] = "Befehle"; Strings["ui_settings"] = "Einstellungen"; Strings["ui_search"] = "Suchen"; Strings["ui_clear"] = "Leeren"; Strings["ui_general"] = "Allgemeine Einstellungen"; Strings["ui_custom"] = "Benutzerdefinierte Befehle"; Strings["ui_save"] = "Speichern"; Strings["ui_ok"] = "Ok"; Strings["ui_cancel"] = "Abbrechen"; Strings["ui_icon"] = "Songbookknopf Einstellungen"; Strings["ui_instr"] = "Instrumentenleiste Einstellungen"; Strings["cb_parts"] = "Liste mit Liedteilen anzeigen"; Strings["cb_search"] = "Suche erlauben"; Strings["cb_desc"] = "Beschreibung in Liedliste anzeigen"; Strings["cb_descfirst"] = "Show description first"; Strings["cb_windowvis"] = "Fenster beim Start anzeigen"; Strings["cb_iconvis"] = "Songbookknopf anzeigen"; Strings["cb_instrvis"] = "Instrumentenleiste anzeigen"; Strings["ui_btn_opacity"] = "Songbook button opacity"; Strings["ui_clr_slots"] = "Leiste leeren"; Strings["ui_add_slot"] = "Hinzuf\195\188gen"; Strings["ui_del_slot"] = "Entfernen"; Strings["ui_cus_add"] = "Hinzuf\195\188gen"; Strings["ui_cus_edit"] = "Editieren"; Strings["ui_cus_del"] = "Entfernen"; Strings["ui_cus_winadd"] = "Befehl einf\195\188gen"; Strings["ui_cus_winedit"] = "Befehl editieren"; Strings["ui_cus_title"] = "Titel:"; Strings["ui_cus_command"] = "Befehl:"; Strings["ui_cus_help"] = "Befehl aliase:\n\n%name - Lied/Liedteilname\n%file - Dateiname\n%part - Liedteilnummer"; Strings["ui_cus_err"] = "Bitte Titel und Befehl eingeben"; Strings["tt_music"] = "Musikmodusschalter"; Strings["tt_play"] = "Lied abspielen"; Strings["tt_ready"] = "Bereitschaftskontrolle"; Strings["tt_sync"] = "Spielen mit sync"; Strings["tt_start"] = "Spielstart"; Strings["tt_parts"] = "Teile anzeigen an/aus"; Strings["sh_saved"] = "Songbookeinstellungen gesichert."; Strings["sh_notsaved"] = "Songbook konnte die Einstellungen nicht sichern"; Strings["sh_show"] = "anzeigen"; Strings["sh_hide"] = "verstecken"; Strings["sh_toggle"] = "umschalten"; Strings["sh_help1"] = "songbook anzeigen: Songbookfenster anzeigen"; Strings["sh_help2"] = "songbook verstecken: Songbookfenster verstecken"; Strings["sh_help3"] = "songbook umschalten: Songbookfenster ein/aus"; Strings["err_nosongs"] = "Keine Lieder gefunden. Du musst im '/music'-Ordner ABC-Dateien haben und mindestens einmal die songbook.hta ausf\195\188hren. Danach bitte Plugin neu laden.\n\nBei neuer Version des Plugins, starte die neue songbook.hta um die Datenbank neu zu erstellen."; elseif (lang == "fr") then Strings["cmd_music"] = "/musique"; Strings["cmd_play"] = "/lire"; Strings["cmd_ready"] = "/voirprêt"; Strings["cmd_start"] = "/débutmusique"; Strings["cmd_sync"] = "synchro"; Strings["cmd_e"] = "/e"; Strings["cmd_f"] = "/f"; Strings["cmd_demo1_title"] = "Jou\195\169 actuellement"; Strings["cmd_demo1_cmd"] = "/e joue actuellement %name"; Strings["cmd_demo2_title"] = "Commande synchro vers /comm"; Strings["cmd_demo2_cmd"] = "/comm /lire %file sync %part"; Strings["cmd_demo3_title"] = "Coller nom du fichier"; Strings["cmd_demo3_cmd"] = "/comm %file"; Strings["ui_dirs"] = "R\195\169pertoires"; Strings["ui_songs"] = "Chansons"; Strings["ui_parts"] = "Partitions"; Strings["ui_cmds"] = "Commandes"; Strings["ui_settings"] = "Param\195\168tres"; Strings["ui_search"] = "Recherche"; Strings["ui_clear"] = "Vider"; Strings["ui_general"] = "Param\195\168tres G\195\169n\195\169raux"; Strings["ui_custom"] = "Commandes Perso"; Strings["ui_save"] = "Sauver"; Strings["ui_ok"] = "Ok"; Strings["ui_cancel"] = "Annuler"; Strings["ui_icon"] = "Param\195\168tres Bouton SongBook"; Strings["ui_instr"] = "Param\195\168tres emplacements d'instrument"; Strings["cb_parts"] = "Liste Partitions Visible"; Strings["cb_search"] = "Recherche activ\195\169e"; Strings["cb_desc"] = "Voir la description dans la liste"; Strings["cb_descfirst"] = "Voir la description en premier"; Strings["cb_windowvis"] = "Fen\195\170tre visible au chargement"; Strings["cb_iconvis"] = "Bouton SongBook visible"; Strings["cb_instrvis"] = "Emplacements d'instrument visibles"; Strings["ui_btn_opacity"] = "Opacit\195\169 bouton Songbook"; Strings["ui_clr_slots"] = "Vider emplacements"; Strings["ui_add_slot"] = "Ajouter"; Strings["ui_del_slot"] = "Retirer"; Strings["ui_cus_add"] = "Ajouter"; Strings["ui_cus_edit"] = "Editer"; Strings["ui_cus_del"] = "Retirer"; Strings["ui_cus_winadd"] = "Ajouter Commande"; Strings["ui_cus_winedit"] = "Editer Commande"; Strings["ui_cus_title"] = "Nom:"; Strings["ui_cus_command"] = "Commande:"; Strings["ui_cus_help"] = "Variables de commande:\n\n%name - Nom du morceau\n%file - Fichier\n%part - Num\195\169ro de la partition"; Strings["ui_cus_err"] = "Veuillez entrer un Nom et une Commande"; Strings["tt_music"] = "Passe en mode Musique"; Strings["tt_play"] = "Jouer la chanson"; Strings["tt_ready"] = "Faire un appel"; Strings["tt_sync"] = "Jouer en mode Synchro"; Strings["tt_start"] = "D\195\169buter le jeu synchro"; Strings["tt_parts"] = "Montrer/Cacher les partitions"; Strings["sh_saved"] = "Param\195\168tres Songbook sauvegard\195\169s"; Strings["sh_notsaved"] = "Echec de la sauvegarde des param\195\168tres de Songbook"; Strings["sh_show"] = "afficher"; Strings["sh_hide"] = "cacher"; Strings["sh_toggle"] = "basculer"; Strings["sh_help1"] = "songbook afficher: Afficher l'interface de SongBook"; Strings["sh_help2"] = "songbook cacher: Cacher l'interface de SongBook"; Strings["sh_help3"] = "songbook basculer: Basculer entre visible et cach\195\169"; Strings["err_nosongs"] = "Le livre de chansons est vide. V\195\169rifiez que vous avez des fichiers pr\195\169sents dans le r\195\169pertoire \music et executer le fichier songbook.hta (pr\195\169sent dans le r\195\169pertoire du plugin) pour g\195\169n\195\169rer la liste des chansons. Ensuite, recharger le plugin. \n\n Si vous avez mis \195\160 jour depuis une version pr\195\169c\195\169dente, ex\195\169cuter en premier le songbook.hta avant de charger le plugin."; end