-- E.G -- wBListParent:SetText(_LANG.BListWindowTitle[SETTINGS.LANGUAGE]); _LANG = { -- ["STRINGNAME"] = {["ENGLISH"] = ""; ["FRENCH"] = ""; ["GERMAN"] = ""; ["RUSSIAN"] = "";}; ["FESTIVALS"] = { [1] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Spring"; ["FRENCH"] = "Printemps"; ["GERMAN"] = "Spring"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Spring";}; [2] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Summer"; ["FRENCH"] = "\195\137t\195\169"; ["GERMAN"] = "Summer"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Summer";}; [3] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Harvestmath"; ["FRENCH"] = "Moissines"; ["GERMAN"] = "Harvestmath"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Harvestmath";}; [4] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Yule"; ["FRENCH"] = "Yule"; ["GERMAN"] = "Yule"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Yule";}; [5] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Anniversary"; ["FRENCH"] = "Anniversaire"; ["GERMAN"] = "Anniversary"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Anniversary";}; [6] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Farmer's Faire"; ["FRENCH"] = "Foire des fermiers"; ["GERMAN"] = "Farmer's Faire"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Farmers Faire";}; }; ["OTHER"] = { ["BARTER"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Barter"; ["FRENCH"] = "Troqueur"; ["GERMAN"] = "Barter"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Barter";}; ["BARTERITEMS"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Barter Items"; ["FRENCH"] = "Articles de troc"; ["GERMAN"] = "Barter Items"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Barter Items";}; ["SORT"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Sort"; ["FRENCH"] = "Trier"; ["GERMAN"] = "Sort"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Sort";}; ["ALTS"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Alts"; ["FRENCH"] = "Alts"; ["GERMAN"] = "Alts"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Alts";}; ["RESETS"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Resets"; ["FRENCH"] = "Remettre \195\160 0"; ["GERMAN"] = "Resets"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Resets";}; ["NOALTS"] = { ["ENGLISH"] = "No alt data to display. To access this you will need to load this plugin from each of your alts."; ["FRENCH"] = "Pas de donn\195\169es autres \195\160 afficher. Vous devez charger le plugin pour chacun de vos personnages pour cela."; ["GERMAN"] = "No alt data to display. To access this you will need to load this plugin from each of your alts."; ["RUSSIAN"] = "No alt data to display. To access this you will need to load this plugin from each of your alts.";}; ["EMOTETARGET"] = { ["ENGLISH"] = ": Select this target before emoting."; ["FRENCH"] = ": Selectionez cette cible avant d'envoyer une \195\169mote."; ["GERMAN"] = ": Select this target before emoting."; ["RUSSIAN"] = ": Select this target before emoting.";}; ["YULESELAUDIENCE"] = { ["ENGLISH"] = "Select 'The Audience' before emoting"; ["FRENCH"] = "Selectionnez 'Le Public' avant d'envoyer une \195\169mote"; ["GERMAN"] = "Select 'The Audience' before emoting"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Select 'The Audience' before emoting";}; ["TIMETOPERFORM"] = { ["ENGLISH"] = "It's your turn to perform"; ["FRENCH"] = "C'est \195\160 vous !"; ["GERMAN"] = "It's your turn to perform"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "It's your turn to perform";}; ["COMMAND"] = { ["ENGLISH"] = "Use command /festival to re-open the main window"; ["FRENCH"] = "Utilisez la commande /festival pour r\195\169-ouvrir la fen\195\170tre"; ["GERMAN"] = "Use command /festival to re-open the main window"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Use command /festival to re-open the main window";}; -- These must match the names given in-game ["AUDIENCE"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "The Audience"; ["FRENCH"] = "Le Public"; ["GERMAN"] = "The Audience"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "The Audience";}; -- Yule Frostbluff Theatre ["NPC_FIREWORKANNOUNCER"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Fireworks Announcer"; ["FRENCH"] = "Animateur du feu d'artifice"; ["GERMAN"] = "Fireworks Announcer"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Fireworks Announcer";}; -- Anniversary Fireworks in Bree }; ["DANCES"] = { ["DANCE1"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Look at me and dance step one"; ["FRENCH"] = "Regardez-moi et ex\195\169cutez le premier pas !"; ["GERMAN"] = "Look at me and dance step one"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Look at me and dance step one";}; ["DANCE2"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Now follow me in doing the second dance"; ["FRENCH"] = "Suivez-moi \195\160 pr\195\169sent pour la deuxi\195\168me danse."; ["GERMAN"] = "Now follow me in doing the second dance"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Now follow me in doing the second dance";}; ["DANCE3"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Dance three is the step here"; ["FRENCH"] = "Voici le pas de la troisi\195\168me danse."; ["GERMAN"] = "Dance three is the step here"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Dance three is the step here";}; }; ["DEBUFFS"] = -- Must match the names given in-game { [1] = {}; [2] = {}; [3] = { ["SCROLLSEARCHING"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Scroll Searching"; ["FRENCH"] = "P\195\170che aux parchemins"; ["GERMAN"] = "Scroll Searching"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Scroll Searching";}; ["GEODEHUNTING"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Geode Hunting"; ["FRENCH"] = "A la p\195\170che aux g\195\169odes"; ["GERMAN"] = "Geode Hunting"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Geode Hunting";}; ["PUMPKINPICKING"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Pumpkin Picking"; ["FRENCH"] = "La chasse aux citrouilles"; ["GERMAN"] = "Pumpkin Picking"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Pumpkin Picking";}; ["APPLEBOBBING"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Apple Bobbing"; ["FRENCH"] = "P\195\170che aux pommes"; ["GERMAN"] = "Apple Bobbing"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Apple Bobbing";}; ["SECRETREASURECHEST"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Secret Treasure - Chest"; ["FRENCH"] = "Tr\195\169sor secret : Coffre"; ["GERMAN"] = "Secret Treasure - Chest"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Secret Treasure - Chest";}; ["THSTRONGBOX"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Treasure Hunting - Strongbox"; ["FRENCH"] = "Chasse au tr\195\169sor : Cassette"; ["GERMAN"] = "Treasure Hunting - Strongbox"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Treasure Hunting - Strongbox";}; ["THLOCKBOX"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Treasure Hunting - Lockbox"; ["FRENCH"] = "Chasse au tr\195\169sor : Cassette"; ["GERMAN"] = "Treasure Hunting - Lockbox"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Treasure Hunting - Lockbox";}; ["THCHEST"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Treasure Hunting - Chest"; ["FRENCH"] = "Chasse au tr\195\169sor : Coffre"; ["GERMAN"] = "Treasure Hunting - Chest"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Treasure Hunting - Chest";}; }; [4] = { ["VILLAIN"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Villain"; ["FRENCH"] = "M\195\169chant"; ["GERMAN"] = "Villain"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Villain";}; ["EXTRA"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Extra"; ["FRENCH"] = "Figurant"; ["GERMAN"] = "Extra"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Extra";}; ["PROTAGONIST"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Protagonist"; ["FRENCH"] = "Protagoniste"; ["GERMAN"] = "Protagonist"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Protagonist";}; ["THEATRE"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Frostbluff Theatre"; ["FRENCH"] = "Th\195\169\195\162tre de Rivegel"; ["GERMAN"] = "Frostbluff Theatre"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Frostbluff Theatre";}; }; [5] = {}; [6] = {}; }; ["QUESTS"] = -- Must match the quest names given in-game { -- General ["ELFDANCEQUEST"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Dances with Elves"; ["FRENCH"] = "Danse avec les Elfes"; ["GERMAN"] = "Dances with Elves"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Dances with Elves";}; ["DWARFDANCEQUEST"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Dances with Dwarves"; ["FRENCH"] = "Danse avec les Nains"; ["GERMAN"] = "Dances with Dwarves"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Dances with Dwarves";}; ["HOBBITDANCEQUEST"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Dances with Hobbits"; ["FRENCH"] = "Danse avec les Hobbits"; ["GERMAN"] = "Dances with Hobbits"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Dances with Hobbits";}; ["MENDANCEQUEST"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Dances with Men"; ["FRENCH"] = "Danse avec les Hommes"; ["GERMAN"] = "Dances with Men"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Dances with Men";}; ["START"] = { -- Must match the text given in-game ["ENGLISH"] = "The dance will begin now! Come, shall we dance"; -- Say channel ["FRENCH"] = "La danse va commencer. Suivez les pas demand\195\169s !"; ["GERMAN"] = "The dance will begin now! Come, shall we dance"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "The dance will begin now! Come, shall we dance";}; ["END"] = { -- Must match the text given in-game ["ENGLISH"] = "Great job! Wonderful! You have all been part of the festival-dance! We will dance again in 20 minutes"; -- Say channel ["FRENCH"] = "Tr\195\168s bien ! Formidable ! Vous avez tous particip\195\169 \195\160 la danse du festival ! Nous recommencerons dans 20 minutes."; ["GERMAN"] = "Great job! Wonderful! You have all been part of the festival-dance! We will dance again in 20 minutes"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Great job! Wonderful! You have all been part of the festival-dance! We will dance again in 20 minutes";}; -- Must match the text given in-game ["NEWQUEST"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "New Quest:"; ["FRENCH"] = "Nouvelle qu\195\170te :"; ["GERMAN"] = "New Quest:"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "New Quest:";}; ["COMPLETEDQUEST"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Completed:"; ["FRENCH"] = "Termin\195\169"; ["GERMAN"] = "Completed:"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Completed:";}; -- Season specific -- Must match the text given in-game [1] = -- Spring { ["SHREWLEISURELY"] ={["ENGLISH"] = "Stomp-a-Shrew for the Leisurely Gardener"; ["FRENCH"] = "Ecrase-musaraignes pour jardinier amateur"; ["GERMAN"] = "Stomp-a-Shrew for the Leisurely Gardener"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Stomp-a-Shrew for the Leisurely Gardener";}; ["SHREWPRACTICED"] ={["ENGLISH"] = "Stomp-a-Shrew for the Practised Gardener"; ["FRENCH"] = "Ecrase-musaraignes pour jardinier confirm\195\169"; ["GERMAN"] = "Stomp-a-Shrew for the Practised Gardener"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Stomp-a-Shrew for the Practised Gardener";}; ["SHREWELITE"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "The Stomp-a-Shrew Challenge"; ["FRENCH"] = "Le d\195\169fi de l'\195\169crase-musaraigne"; ["GERMAN"] = "The Stomp-a-Shrew Challenge"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "The Stomp-a-Shrew Challenge";}; ["SHREWENORMOUS"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Stomp-a-Shrew -- An Enormous Shrew"; ["FRENCH"] = "Ecrase-musaraignes -- Une musaraigne gigantesque"; ["GERMAN"] = "Stomp-a-Shrew -- An Enormous Shrew"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Stomp-a-Shrew -- An Enormous Shrew";}; ["FISTFULFLOWERS"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "A Fistful of Flowers"; ["FRENCH"] = "Brass\195\169es de fleurs"; ["GERMAN"] = "A Fistful of Flowers"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "A Fistful of Flowers";}; }; [2] = -- Summer { }; [3]= -- Harvestmath { -- New Quest: Troves and Trickery -- Thorin's Hall -- Completed:\n Troves and Trickery -- Thorin's Hall ["TROVESDUILLOND"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Troves and Trickery -- Duillond"; ["FRENCH"] = "Tours et surprises -- Duillond"; ["GERMAN"] = "Troves and Trickery -- Duillond"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Troves and Trickery -- Duillond";}; -- Quest channel ["TROVESTHORINS"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Troves and Trickery -- Thorin's Hall"; ["FRENCH"] = "Tours et surprises -- Palais de Thorin"; ["GERMAN"] = "Troves and Trickery -- Thorin's Hall"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Troves and Trickery -- Thorin's Hall";}; ["TROVESSHIRE"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Troves and Trickery -- the Shire"; ["FRENCH"] = "Tours et surprises -- La Comt\195\169"; ["GERMAN"] = "Troves and Trickery -- the Shire"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Troves and Trickery -- the Shire";}; ["TROVESBREE"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Troves and Trickery -- Bree"; ["FRENCH"] = "Tours et surprises -- Bree"; ["GERMAN"] = "Troves and Trickery -- Bree"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Troves and Trickery -- Bree";}; ["RIDDLEBOTTLE"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "A Riddle in a Bottle"; ["FRENCH"] = "Une \195\169nigme dans une bouteille"; ["GERMAN"] = "A Riddle in a Bottle"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "A Riddle in a Bottle";}; }; [4] = -- Yule { ["SNOWBEASTS"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "The Abominable Snow-beasts"; ["FRENCH"] = "Les abominables b\195\170tes des neiges"; ["GERMAN"] = "The Abominable Snow-beasts"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "The Abominable Snow-beasts";}; ["VILLAIN"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Villain - Frostbluff Theatre"; ["FRENCH"] = "M\195\169chant - Th\195\169\195\162tre de Rivegel"; ["GERMAN"] = "Villain - Frostbluff Theatre"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Villain - Frostbluff Theatre";}; ["EXTRA"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Extra - Frostbluff Theatre"; ["FRENCH"] = "Figurant - Th\195\169\195\162tre de Rivegel"; ["GERMAN"] = "Extra - Frostbluff Theatre"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Extra - Frostbluff Theatre";}; ["PROTAGONIST"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Protagonist - Frostbluff Theatre"; ["FRENCH"] = "Protagoniste - Th\195\169\195\162tre de Rivegel"; ["GERMAN"] = "Protagonist - Frostbluff Theatre"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Protagonist - Frostbluff Theatre";}; ["THEATRE"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "The Frostbluff Theatre"; ["FRENCH"] = "Le Th\195\169\195\162tre de Rivegel"; ["GERMAN"] = "The Frostbluff Theatre"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "The Frostbluff Theatre";}; ["STUFFINGSTUFFED"] ={["ENGLISH"] = "Stuffing the Stuffed"; ["FRENCH"] = "Gaver les participants"; ["GERMAN"] = "Stuffing the Stuffed"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Stuffing the Stuffed";}; ["EMPTYKEG"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Empty Keg Emergency"; ["FRENCH"] = "Des tonneaux presque vides"; ["GERMAN"] = "Empty Keg Emergency"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Empty Keg Emergency";}; ["BIGGESTSTOMACH"] ={["ENGLISH"] = "The Biggest Stomach of Them All"; ["FRENCH"] = "Le plus gros estomac du monde"; ["GERMAN"] = "The Biggest Stomach of Them All"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "The Biggest Stomach of Them All";}; }; [5] = -- Anniversary { ["MIGHTIESTBLOW_BASIC"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "The Mightiest Blow (Basic)"; ["FRENCH"] = "Le coup fatal (Basique)"; ["GERMAN"] = "The Mightiest Blow (Basic)"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "The Mightiest Blow (Basic)";}; ["MIGHTIESTBLOW_INT"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "The Mightiest Blow (Intermediate)"; ["FRENCH"] = "Le coup fatal (Interm\195\169diaire)"; ["GERMAN"] = "The Mightiest Blow (Intermediate)"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "The Mightiest Blow (Intermediate)";}; ["MIGHTIESTBLOW_EXPERT"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "The Mightiest Blow (Expert)"; ["FRENCH"] = "Le coup fatal (Expert)"; ["GERMAN"] = "The Mightiest Blow (Expert)"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "The Mightiest Blow (Expert)";}; ["BREEFIREWORKS"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Fireworks in Bree"; ["FRENCH"] = "Feux d'artifice \195\160 Bree"; ["GERMAN"] = "Fireworks in Bree"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Fireworks in Bree";}; ["LOSTINVITES"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Lost Invitations"; ["FRENCH"] = "Invitations perdues"; ["GERMAN"] = "Lost Invitations"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Lost Invitations";}; }; [6] = -- Farmer's Faire { }; }; ["BUTTONS"] = { ["DANCE"] = {["ENGLISH"] = "Dance"; ["FRENCH"] = "Danse"; ["GERMAN"] = "Dance"; ["RUSSIAN"] = "Dance";}; }; ["TOKENS"] = -- BARTER TOKENS USED AT THE FESTIVALS. { [1] = -- Spring { ["FESTIVAL"] = 1879151743; ["RACE"] = 1879173003; ["VIOLET"] = 1879103239; ["MARIGOLD"] = 1879103242; ["PRIMROSE"] = 1879103241; }; [2] = -- Summer { ["RACE"] = 1879115708; ["FESTIVAL"] = 1879115679; }; [3] = -- Harvestmath { ["RACE"] = 1879101765; ["FESTIVAL"] = 1879098272; ["SMALLAPPLE"] = 1879098268; ["MEDIUMAPPLE"] = 1879098267; ["LARGEAPPLE"] = 1879098266; ["CRACKEDGEODE"] = 1879098262; ["PRISTINEGEODE"] = 1879098261; ["FAULTLESSGEODE"] = 1879098260; ["UNIMPRESSIVESCROLL"] = 1879098265; ["WELLWRITTENSCROLL"] = 1879098264; ["ELEGANTSCROLL"] = 1879098263; ["SMALLPUMPKIN"] = 1879098271; ["MEDIUMPUMPKIN"] = 1879098270; ["LARGEPUMPKIN"] = 1879098269; }; [4] = -- Yule { ["FESTIVAL"] = 1879256449; ["GOLDFESTIVAL"] = 1879257572; ["TICKET"] = 1879238505; ["RACE"] = 1879149799; }; [5] = -- Anniversary { ["RACE"] = 1879201266; ["FESTIVAL"] = 1879200721; ["STEEL"] = 1879303343; ["MITHRIL"] = 1879255991; }; [6] = -- Farmers Faire { ["RACE"] = 1879227344; ["FESTIVAL"] = 1879223715; }; }; };